NGSS Alignment
1-ESS1-1: Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.
Learning Targets
Stars in the Sky Activities
1-ESS1-1: Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.
Learning Targets
- I can observe the sun, moon, and sky to look for predictable patterns.
- I can observe the effects the day and night skies have on stars.
- I can build models of constellations.
Stars in the Sky Activities
- Discuss patterns in the sky - The sun shines during the day and stars come out at night. Complete a cut and paste worksheet.
- Use glow in the dark paint to mimic stars being visible when it is dark.
- Build models of constellations using marshmallows and toothpicks.
Scheduling Information
The Stars and the Sky field trip is led by the NKY Makerspace student interns. The cost of this Remote Field Trip is $2 per person. Materials for the field trip are individually packed for each student. Most materials are provided with the exception of scissors and glue sticks. This field trip can be done with students virtually from their homes or can be done in the classroom with the NKY Makerspace instructor joining the classroom via a virtual platform. Remote Field Trip experiences are only available to educators in the NKY/Cincinnati region.
Have questions? Please email [email protected].
To schedule a remote field trip for your class, please click on the button below.
Have questions? Please email [email protected].
To schedule a remote field trip for your class, please click on the button below.
Read-Aloud Book
The NKY Makerspace Interns created a video of a read-aloud book to go along with the Stars In the Sky Remote Field Trip.
Book Details:
Animals in the Sky By: Sara Gillingham |
Instructional Assets
Print on 8.5 X 11 paper. Cut paper in half and staple together to make a booklet.
Paint glow-in-the-dark stars on the activity page.
PowerPoint Presentation